Watch Out for These Common Injuries in Dogs Before They Get Serious

Various factors can trigger a puncture wound, from small items like splinters and stickers that tear the skin to more significant injuries like animal attacks and gunfire wounds. They practically inevitably become infected despite outward appearances, triggering severe underlying issues.

Prevalent Injuries in Dogs

When your dog has been harmed in an accident or tangle, identifying the injury will assist you in treating it and provide your vet with the details they require to aid (if you think vet treatment is essential). While knowing emergency treatment procedures will assist you in taking care of most minor canine injuries, it’s also necessary to be familiar with the names and features of typical wound types in case your dog has an injury that needs veterinarian treatment.

Keep reading to learn about the most typical dog injuries and their prospective consequences for your pet.

Lacerations and Abrasions

These wounds are typically called cuts and scrapes and are often seen in dogs and cats. Regarding wound treatment, minor cuts and scrapes usually heal on their own or with minimal treatment, but severe injuries may require surgery from a Poway emergency vet. Your pet may have gotten them via stepping on something sharp, such as glass shards, steel shards, or perhaps the claws of another animal.

The wound’s appearance and potential effects vary significantly depending upon the underlying cause. A cut might have smooth, straight edges or jagged edges. Infection is most likely to occur if the material (dirt, metal, fabric) is present in the incision from the object that caused it.

Oral Injury

Dogs typically hurt their mouths when they try to gnaw on something they shouldn’t. Bones, antlers, and hooves can harm teeth, gums, the tongue, and other soft tissues. Occasionally, bones become stuck in the gums or teeth around the lower jaw or canine teeth. Getting hurt is possible even from doing something as harmless as biting a stick or twig. Vets routinely see dogs with things inserted in the roofs of their jaws.

Dogs can inflict unpleasant mouth wounds by biting each other in a fight. Medication can treat minor dental injuries, including scrapes and cuts. If the damage is severe enough, oral surgery and cold laser therapy can assist minimize the pain of a busted tooth or other mouth injuries. If you want to learn more about cold laser therapy, it is advisable to visit a vet to explain it to you personally.

Bite Wounds

Among the most prevalent types of dog, injuries is a bite wound. Animal fights are common, whether between dogs, cats, or others. Although growling and snarling are commonplace early indicators of canine aggressiveness, biting is generally the final resort. When an animal is about to bite, it will typically give you some warning so you can stay clear of getting hurt.

Bites can spread infection; hence, they should be treated medically. In addition, bite wounds can potentially spread rabies, mainly if the animal that bit you was wild or had not been vaccinated. Sutures might be required to close a wound in more extreme conditions. That’s why keeping your pet up-to-date on puppy vaccinations is essential to remain healthy and free from harm.


Giant dogs, mainly, are like small soldiers. They are robust and able to endure the challenges of their journeys. Contact your veterinarian promptly if you find out or believe your dog has endured any of the above injuries. A professional’s guidance is required for any considerable action to be taken.

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