Smoke Damage: Different Types, Effects, and Treatment

The damage caused by a fire has some effects. Smoke damage is one of the consequences. The building will suffer smoke damage even if the fire is extinguished immediately enough to save the structure. You should fix this damage to make the area habitable and remove the odor. Let’s talk about the five types of smoke, what causes them, and how to treat them.

Types of Smoke Damage

Fire is a known source of smoke damage, but did you know there are various types of fire that can have different effects? The smoke and soot will react differently depending on what triggered the fire. Electrical defects, smoking, cooking, and unintentional fires are the most common causes in residences and businesses. However, the following types of fire smoke might result in specific damage:

Wet Smoke

This term talks about the fumes created by low-heat, smoldering flames, particularly when rubber or plastic products are burned. They emit a strongly nasty burnt plastic odor. These smoke plumes are not just thick and dark but also highly damaging. They can also rust and corrode metal items if left for too long. This type is also particularly oily, making cleanup even more difficult. Cleaning it yourself is troublesome and obstinate, so leave it to the professional remediation company.

Tenant Smoking Residue

Tenants who smoke are the most typical cause of smoke damage. Specialists and landlords often deal with smells caused by cigarettes or marijuana in multifamily buildings. Tenants who smoke can create a lot of damage, from unpleasant smells to significant surface damage. This type of smoke damage often necessitates extensive cleaning.

Dry Smoke

Dry smoke from high-temperature fires can instantly spread throughout homes. They are triggered mainly by paper or wood, which is why they are often related to house fires. Cleaning up smoke-damaged items is easier because the residue is powdery instead of sticky.

Nevertheless, its grainy composition is also its major downside. It can sneak into even the tiniest spaces in a place, damaging the structural stability of your home. It can also destroy your circuitry, potentially resulting in long-term electrical damage in your house. Thankfully, the smell isn’t subduing, and a skilled team would have no trouble carrying out an effective cleanup.

Fuel Smoke

Fuel smoke is produced when petroleum, oil, or a substance similar is burned. This form is less likely to be encountered inside a house or business. Oil fume damage is more common in garages or warehouses where gas is stored. It has one of the foulest smells and is specifically challenging to clean. Any fabric it touches is probably beyond repair. The settled residue is thick and sticky, sticking to anything it comes into contact with. It’s a true problem without help from a fire damage restoration service.

Protein Smoke

These are the discharges made when burning organic components. It is most frequently encountered during careless kitchen endeavors. This type is difficult to handle because it is usually unnoticeable. No huge black or greasy smears are on your painted or unpainted wall surfaces. The only signs are paint staining and a strong smell.

Final Thoughts

Various factors, such as the fire’s temperature, fuel source, and location, can cause five common types of smoke damage. Each remediation process is somewhat different. All items destroyed by smoke and fire would need to be replaced in the worst-case scenario. Due to the high cost, this is the last resort remedy, but it is required when the damage is serious. The sooner you call a professional after a fire, the less likely you will need to replace everything.

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