Allergies are a substantial source of annoyance to a lot of individuals. These allergies cause us to sneeze, have itchy and runny noses, and have sore or puffy eyes. Some individuals have a serious reaction to allergies that often need emergency medical attention. These allergy signs could also be present on our pets.
The animals we keep as pets could have similar allergies and allergic reactions. The signs that they may have could be more dire than what people experience. The pet owner must understand that allergies could be fatal to our pets. Knowing what our pets are allergic to and what to do in these instances could save their lives.
How can you know if your pet has allergies?
Most pet owners are concerned regarding what their pets can consume and what to avoid. Because allergic reactions may be experienced by our pets, it is important to know how we can prevent them. The prevention of these allergic reactions begins with knowing what our dog may be allergic to.
Veterinarians can help us know what our dog is allergic to by performing laboratory tests. A veterinary laboratory specialist can recommend a RAST test or a radioallergosorbent test; this test is used commonly in relation to the blood and exposing it to antigens. The result of this examination determines our dog’s allergies. Here are some of the common allergies our dog may have, their causes, and their symptoms.
Skin Allergies
Skin allergies in dogs may be quite annoying to them as it often triggers extreme itchiness. These allergic reactions may come from parasites and environmental factors. Itchiness triggers our dog to scratch, bite, and lick the area, which may lead to an open wound. This wound could be subject to secondary infection. These wounds may be exposed to yeast and bacterial infections when not urgently addressed. You can visit a vet clinic or go to this website to get an appointment for a check-up
Food Allergies
Food can also trigger allergic reactions for our pets. They may experience symptoms like throwing up, diarrhea, and energy loss. Food allergies to dogs also trigger foot and ear infections that may need to be brought to a vet facility.
Acute Allergic Reaction
Acute allergic reactions pose the greatest danger to our dogs. These allergens may come from exposure to certain chemicals or the ingestion of dangerous substances. Acute allergic reactions may put our dog into anaphylactic shock, which may trigger seizures and airway constriction. It is vital that pet owners know how to look for these indications to provide urgent action. Getting our dog to an emergency animal center quickly is the only way to combat these signs and symptoms. You can click here to learn more about
Allergies often trigger annoyance and occasionally severe symptoms to a lot of people. These allergic reactions are also found in our pets, but they experience them with more intensity. The obligation of any pet owner is to identify the allergens that our dogs may have sensitivity to. A pet owner that understands these items, symptoms, and when to bring your dog to an emergency animal facility could save the life of their pet.