Common Emergencies for Dogs and Cats
Family pet owners wish that their family pet’s only visits to vets are for regular exams. It’s rather frustrating to hear your vets giving your family pet referrals to surgeons. While waiting for the surgeon to see your anxious pet, have you ever wondered what brings the other pet owners and their pets to the surgeon’s office?
Although more insurance policyholders filed cancer claims in the past, the surgical procedures being conducted in operation theaters stayed pretty much the same in the last few years.
Data According to Insurance Claims
The nationwide data hasn’t changed much since the last five years. A few of the most common clinical issues in pets include skin allergies, urinary tract infections (UTI), ear and eye problems, etc. This is why family pets should have regular visits to vet facilities like the Advanced Care Animal Clinic because most serious issues are preventable with extensive care.
When some preventable diseases do not have early detections, it usually causes severe cases that require surgical treatments. According to insurance claims data, many vets carry out surgical procedures on canines and felines at least a few times a week.
Most Common Elective Surgeries
Pet owners request many elective surgical treatments to benefit their cat or dog. These surgeries are typically related to spaying or removing the uterus and ovaries of a female pet; and neutering or removing testicles in a male pet. Minor surgeries might also include the removal of lumps or tumors of the skin.
Most Common Required Surgeries
Although these surgical treatments do not need to be performed immediately, they need to be done to retain a pet’s quality of life. Some of the most advanced animal medical facilities have their vets perform pet surgery in Arlington.
For dogs, the most typical required surgical treatment is ACL repair. This surgical procedure is carried out to repair a torn cranial cruciate ligament in the knee. This treatment has been the bread and butter of most vet surgeons and makes up as much as 85% of canines’ orthopedic surgical treatments.
For cats, dental treatments are the most typical. Cat tooth extraction is needed, particularly during an advanced stage of gum disease. If not dealt with promptly, it might lead to bone infections and tooth abscesses.
Other than tooth extractions, some reasons your cat might require surgical treatment include repairing oral defects, removing growths, or relieving pain. To learn more about vet dentistry, visit websites like
Exploratory laparotomy that requires open access to the abdomen is typically a required surgical procedure for both dogs and cats. This surgical treatment is done to find the root cause of the issues that diagnostic screening could not find. It is additionally used during an abdominal injury in emergencies.
There’s a potential risk associated with operations, as risk is involved when the surgical procedure is not carried out. The pet owner needs to discuss with the surgeon all the factors to be thought about; to come up with a decision that would be in the best interest of the pet animal.
Factors for consideration include age and general health condition of the patient, healing time, and post-op care. The pet owner should weigh all the possible outcomes if he proceeds or defers the treatment. Making an informed, ethical, and compassionate decision will be a lot easier if due diligence is done.