Various factors can cause constipation in dogs and cats. You know they are constipated if they have not had a bowel movement in 2 or more days or if they seem to be having trouble defecating. For senior dogs prone to constipation, vets may include treatment and preventive measures in their routine preventive veterinary geriatric care.
Here are some common constipation causes in pets and some helpful tips you can do at home to help your pets feel better:
1. Insufficient Dietary Fiber
Pets need both soluble and insoluble fibers in their diet to keep their digestive system working properly. Most pet foods do not have adequate levels of dietary fiber, so you may need to add fresh vegetables and fruits or a high-quality pet probiotic to their diet.
Avoid processed foods, as they tend to be low in fiber and high in fat. Instead, choose fresh, whole foods that are rich in fiber.
Here’s a list of high-fiber fruits and vegetables that you can add to your pet’s diet:
- Pears
- Raspberries
- Blackberries
- Prunes
- Apples
- Peaches
- Cabbage
- Spinach
- Carrots
2. Dehydration
Dehydration can result in constipation since it makes the stool harder and dryer. Give your pet plenty of fresh water to drink throughout the day. You can also try adding a little bit of plain, unsweetened yogurt or canned pumpkin to your pet’s food to help with hydration.
3. Inactivity
Inactive pets are more likely to become constipated. Be sure your pet gets plenty of exercises every day. If your furry animal companion is not used to exercising, start slowly and gradually increase the time and intensity.
A good way to get your pet moving is to take them for a short walk around the block or play fetch in the park. For senior dogs, you can try gentle exercises like swimming or hydrotherapy.
It also helps if you massage them at home. This will help them relax and loosen their muscles. Do this by gently rubbing their back and sides with your hands for a few minutes daily.
4. Anal Gland Issues
Anal gland issues are one of the dogs’ most common causes of constipation. The anal glands are two tiny sacs on either side of the anus that produce a foul-smelling fluid. This is used to mark territory and is released when your dog defecates.
If the anal glands become full, they can put pressure on the rectum and make it difficult for your dog to defecate. This can lead to constipation. You may notice your dog scooting their bottom on the ground or licking their anus more than usual if they have full anal glands.
To empty the anal glands, you will need to express them manually. This can be done at home, but it is best to have your veterinarian show you how to do it properly the first time.
5. Certain Medications
Certain medications can cause constipation as a side effect. If your pet takes any medication, ask your veterinarian if constipation is a possible side effect. If so, they may be able to adjust the dosage or switch to a different medication.
Some examples of medications that can cause constipation include:
- Painkillers
- Anti-anxiety medication
- Iron supplements
- Calcium supplements
- Neurological Issues
Note that neurological problems can cause muscle weakness and paralysis, which can lead to constipation. If your pet has a neurological condition, they may need special care to prevent constipation.
For example, they may need to be on a regular toileting schedule or have their anal glands expressed regularly. They may also need to take stool softeners or laxatives. That’s why regular pet wellness check-up is encouraged so that potential problems can be detected and treated early. Go to this link to learn more.
6. Anxiety and Stress
Pets can get constipated from anxiety and stress just like humans can. If you think your pet is stressed, try to identify the source of their stress and remove it from their environment if possible.
You can also try some calming supplements to help reduce your pet’s stress levels. These can be found at your local pet store or online.
Signs that your pet is stressed include:
- Panting
- Shaking
- Trembling
- Drooling
- Hiding Loss of appetite
- Excessive licking
- Pacing Aggression
- Urinating or defecating in the house
- Destructive behavior
- Changes in sleeping habits
7. Obstruction
Obstruction in the intestines can cause constipation. This can happen if your pet eats something they shouldn’t, such as a toy or piece of food. Tumors or foreign bodies can also cause obstructions.
If you think your pet has an obstruction, take them to the veterinarian immediately. Obstructions are a medical emergency and can be life-threatening. If you’re nearby Grand Prairie, you can make an emergency appointment at Carrier Animal Hospital.
Signs that your pet may have an obstruction include:
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Abdominal pain
- bloating Swelling of the abdomen
- Unsuccessful attempts to defecate
- Diarrhea (if the obstruction is partial) Straining to defecate with no results
The Bottom Line
In dogs, constipation is a common health issue, but it can be serious if left untreated. If your pet is constipated, take them to the veterinarian. They will be able to determine the cause of their constipation and treat it accordingly.
In the meantime, try a few simple home remedies to help relieve your dog’s constipation. These include adding fiber to their diet, increasing exercise, and massaging their back and sides. You can also express their anal glands if they are full, as instructed by your vet.